Social media platforms have made it easier for customers to voice their opinions and concerns without waiting to speak with a customer service representative. Any company worth its salt would be wise to take customer feedback seriously. Decisions that matter significantly to a company can only be made with the help of antiquated data processing systems. High levels of volatility in the consumer response landscape make it all the more important to capture it as it unfolds in real-time. This is why SBI (Social Business Intelligence) is essential.

Through the use of social BI, it is possible to collect consumer sentiments on a global scale by continuously ingesting data from all social networks where your product or service is being discussed. Your company will be able to listen in, record, and analyse these data, opening the door to some critical metrics for measuring performance. In addition, it provides a competitive edge in the market by letting you research your global competitors and learn from their successes and failures.

Capturing and analysing the Big Data that matters most opens up new opportunities for your business thanks to Social BI.