Since the beginning of time, technology has been unpredictable and constantly evolving. Today’s businesses rely heavily on the technology that makes them possible. Your company’s ability to adjust to newer trends and technologies makes it successful. You would want to be able to rely on something other than mainframes in the era of cloud and grid computing. Trying to compete in the current market with older technologies would be like trying to win a race with a slow, buggy car. Even worse, older technologies cost more to maintain, have less scalability, and need more architecture to work with developing consumer interfaces like social networks and smartphones.

However, switching from older to newer technologies is a massive task with even more significant risks. We at Vivikta know these risks and have created procedures to minimize them while utilizing the system/architecture your company already relies on. To ensure that your business goals are successfully realized, we consider a wide range of factors, including but not limited to decreased Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), increased Return on Investment (ROI), dynamic scalability, advanced collaboration, reduced maintenance costs, and more.