Welcome to Vivikta’s Partner Networks page!

At Vivikta, we believe in the power of collaboration and partnership to bring innovation and success to our clients. That’s why we have established strategic partnerships with leading technology vendors, consulting firms, and other solution providers.

Our partner network comprises a diverse range of organizations that share our vision and values. Together, we aim to provide our clients with comprehensive, cutting-edge solutions that meet their unique needs and challenges.

Some of our key partners include:

Microsoft: As a Microsoft Gold Partner, we have access to the latest tools and technologies, enabling us to deliver high-quality solutions to our clients on the Microsoft platform.

Amazon Web Services (AWS): As an AWS Partner, we can help our clients leverage the power and scalability of the AWS cloud to drive innovation and growth.

Salesforce: As a Salesforce Partner, we can provide our clients with customized CRM solutions that help them streamline their business processes and improve customer engagement.

Oracle: As an Oracle Partner, we can offer our clients industry-leading database and cloud solutions that help them optimize their IT infrastructure and reduce costs.

IBM: As an IBM Business Partner, we can provide our clients with a wide range of innovative solutions that help them stay competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

In addition to our technology partners, we also collaborate with consulting firms, industry associations, and other solution providers to offer our clients a comprehensive suite of services.

Our partner network enables us to offer our clients the following benefits:

Access to the latest tools and technologies: Our partnerships with leading technology vendors give us access to the latest tools and technologies, enabling us to deliver cutting-edge solutions to our clients.

Industry expertise and best practices: Our collaborations with consulting firms and industry associations provide us with valuable insights into industry best practices, which we can apply to our clients’ businesses.

Increased scalability and flexibility: Our partnerships with cloud providers like AWS and Microsoft Azure enable us to provide our clients with scalable, flexible solutions that can adapt to their changing needs.

Cost savings: By partnering with leading technology vendors and consulting firms, we can offer our clients cost-effective solutions that meet their budgetary constraints.

At Vivikta, we are committed to building long-lasting relationships with our partners and clients. We believe that by working together, we can achieve greater success and drive innovation in the industry.

If you are interested in partnering with us, please contact us at info@viviktainc.com. We would love to explore potential opportunities for collaboration and growth.