Vivikta is a design-first, engineering-second company. Our services give our patrons a leg up on the competition by giving them the tools they need to take an idea from the drawing board to the marketplace. It’s a given that this will lead to more money coming in and overall expansion.

Customers today are fickle and very critical of any product’s usability. As a result, our PDLC is well-versed in facilitating productive partnerships between designers and developers. High costs can be reduced by ethically opening communication lines between team leads. We can avoid regimented and micromanaged PDLCs by adopting Agile Methodologies of development such as Extreme Programming, Scrum, Feature Driven Development, etc. Through timeboxes and iterative development, Agile methodology yields products more responsive to stakeholder needs and more malleable in the face of user suggestions and criticisms.

At every pace of the product development process, we employ industry standards. Portability, commenting, documentation, significant variables, naming conventions, and efficient simplification are all given adequate weight in our code-building process. A unified team is maintained through detailed project plans, status updates, trackers, test cases, results, reports, etc.