Architectural design is the equivalent of a structure’s cornerstone in the Product Development process. A better tomorrow begins with a solid today. It’s essential to consider both business and technical considerations when designing a product. To rephrase, the architecture must permit the development of cutting-edge programs.

Prioritising stakeholder needs, expectations, and available resources is an essential first step in the design process. Depending on the conditions, it may have additional layers, such as a third-party integration layer, a presentation layer, or a data access layer. This structure allows for sufficient focus on both business and technical aspects.

Vivikta places a premium on our products’ dependability, security, performance, usability, scalability, and localization. Achieving a competitive time-to-market and being at the top of your game with forthcoming features and timely updates is crucial in an era when many products are released quickly. Customers are likelier to stick with the brand they’ve become invested in after this interaction. A product’s makers should take customer comments into account when making improvements. Architectural planning must encourage this to occur. Vivikta creates products with a lot of autonomy, much like the plug-and-play idea, but they are only partially standalone. Here is some new and improved architecture.